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I don't really "hate" Miley. But I don't like her either. She has her good points and bad. One of her bad points are being a bad role model to little kids. She also has good points though, such as this song. This song is very top notch, I just love the lyrics and I can really relate to it because some "situations" I went through during school(not like anyone cares xd). The point is no one should be saying their opinion in an outrageously harsh manor. It called being rude, most people might say I'm an idiot after I post this: P. Plus, I'm trying to type this as fast as I can so that my sister won't see because she is a "Miley Hater" and last time I said one thing nice about Miley, my sister didn't talk to me for a week. Oh, and by the way everyone. And all fans of Miley, you guys are fans and Miley-as you know- is a superstar. Superstars get tons of criticism everywhere! So some of these comments are just a examples. If it doesn't bother Miley, it shouldn't bother you. Just so we are clear I don't like her either, because I don't like a person unless I know that person and they know me. Very well. And I don't think I'm meeting Miley Cyrus anytime soon. Probably never. Xp. Kyaaahh~! Sparkly Nail polish~! *Distracted with my own silvery, light glittery, nail-polished, fingernails* ^-^
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