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With the numbers on their names
"With the numbers on their names" - police ID mugshots and prison numbers, i.e. "Smith 4041". Wandsworth is a notorious old Victorian prison in London.
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Always look the bleeding same
It was noticed on TV cop show "The Sweeney" that the same actress appeared in minor roles four or five times - each time playing the wife or mistress of a different criminal. Crooks' wives in East End London all appeared to conform to a hard-bitten heavy-smoking heavily made up and somewhat tarty stereotype.It was like a uniform.
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Find out more about the tv show homaged in the song here. It ran in the 1970's and all the members of Squeeze would have grown up with it in the TV. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/TheSweeney
+ 1
Also a tough, gritty, seventies cop show - these verses homage the show. the narrator is bored and at a loose end at home watching TV.
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And I give the dog a bone
More British slang. Give the dog a bone. Think American slang "boner". "Dog" in this context is pretty much universal.
+ 2
A harvest of life, a harvest of death
Resumes it's course each day
Alluded to on the cover of the (much later) Cult Classic album. The album cover shows a weird chapel illustrated in a style akin to turn of the 19th century occult art - very reminiscent of Crowley and the Golden Dawn/OTO.. Two stained glass windows are prominent. One shows the "Summer Lady" walking through a garden by day - the Latin motto underneath is Messis ex Vitae , "A Harvest Of Life.the second shows Death, walking by night with his scythe over his shoulder - his Latin motto is Messis ex Morte. - A Harvest Of Death.
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