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+ 2
I have mixed feelings about this song. One part of me thinks that it was written as a children's song. Maybe it is just about a boy and his imaginary dragon. But, another part of me thinks the obvious thing. Its about pot. I mean, come on, "puff," "honah lee," "cherry lane?" All things asociated with pot. And by the way, it was the pot smoking 60's. Nobody would've noticed a song about pot, because they were all high on it when it came out! Nevertheless of the controversy, I love this song! Very sad though.
+ 7
Even though Superman isn't a real person, this song shows how he probably would've felt. Celebrities, athletes, heroes, and others we look up to, we often forget that they are real people. They do everything the same way we do. But, they are constantly trying to set a good exaple for us little people that look up to them. And its hard for them to always feel that kind of pressure. And I think that this song really shows how they must feel. I mean, think of famous legends like Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, or even if Superman was real. The whole world loves them! And you'd think that would make them happy. And it does, but it also makes them the most miserable people in the world. They spend their whole life, never knowing who their real friends are, or who really loves them. I think that Five for Fighting made a really smart move by recording this song.
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