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+ 1
He came dancing across the water
Cortez, Cortez
What a killer
Cortez the Spaniard came and killed these beautiful people, all their knowledge and values and enslaved the rest. But he is speaking of the greater cultural loss that we all have when a people and their contributions to the world become lost and he is saying war, destruction and greed are the enemy of all that could push us through to the greatness that could be being a connected "human" race.
- 0
And I know she's living there
And she loves me to this day
I still can't remember when
Or how I lost my way
I think he is speaking to the spirit of working together to achieve the common and greatest of good in our world. He is lamenting that he wishes that this was how his purpose still guided him and doesn't recall when this path eluded him or how this could have happened. "She loves me to this day" is a reference to knowing that memory of cooperation and working together for something greater than oneself still lives on within him.
- 0
They carried them
To the flatlands
And they died along the way
But they built up
With their bare hands
What we still can't do today
They brought materials from their mountain houses and expanded. They lost people along the way and still persisted and persevered. They built structures that we cannot replicate or would have great difficulty simulation without technology in our modern age.
- 0
Hate was just a legend
And war was never known
The people worked together
And they lifted many stones
They knew only love because everyone was united in purpose and they were blind to war and not prepared. Everyone worked together and accomplished great things, the monuments, ancient cities, etc... because they worked together and did not have some of the other adverse situations that affect developing civilizations they prospered.
- 0
And the women all were beautiful
And the men stood
Straight and strong
They offered life in sacrifice
So that others could go on
All of the people would watch the sacrifices to the Gods. They were a beautiful doing what was required by what they thought to be their Gods. Beautiful, straight, strong references to doing right by the sacrifice of human lives to please the Gods so that others might prosper and go on.
- 0
And his subjects
Gathered 'round him
Like the leaves around a tree
In their clothes of many colors
For the angry gods to see
He gathered his people to him and his culture thrived as a result. He helped to build a civilization in a harsh environment because he united the people. Leaves and colors here represent many tribes coming together and people being unique. Angry Gods are a reference to polytheistic culture that had many representation of Gods that often needed appeasement and discernment of what a God requires by man is surely open for much misinterpretation. How could the Gods be pleased if it rains when you need sun or vice versa?
+ 2
On the shore lay Montezuma
With his coca leaves and pearls
In his halls he often wondered
With the secrets of the worlds
Montezuma the old King lay with his riches but not all the riches were material. His people had much secret knowledge that would be figured out later. Advanced knowledge of astronomy, math, agriculture and building. He is laying down as he is not pursuing anything but what he has already found and not aggressive. What will he do with all his knowledge, where will he lead his people?
- 0
He came dancing across the water
With his galleons and guns
Looking for the new world
In that palace in the sun
This is about exploration and following an unknown dream into the sun and spirit of what and why he explored. The intent to set out was clearly prepared to go to war with his "galleons and guns". He was looking for a new world when he sailed into the sun not knowing what he would find but bringing the armada and weapons he was intent on making it his.
- 0
All because of faith, you know it's right
You coincide with fate, and you feel it's right
He is still searching for answers because that is how he is and he knows its right. He believes there is no coincidence in this case and fate and faith will see things through because he is on the right path.
- 0
Howling at the moon still
At the white, white ghost
He is still fruitless in his efforts to communicate his pain about his past or even present and he is searching for many things. All of them fleeting and unattainable.
- 0
Are you calling [x7]
He is calling himself. 7(x) Everyday to do something to bring himself out of it... the 8 and final call is to someone he has not been able to find and is grateful for the help that he knew was there. He could feel her in the music.
- 0
When courage calls a name
The life will soon be changed
From fleeting thrills at night
The choice of what to say, and
You coincide, you coincide
He is speaking with himself and confronting his own fears about his failures that he could control and those he could not. He knows that he must reach within and find the courage admit his mistakes and move on. He must be brave and find his own answers within himself.
- 0
Singing since the fall of man
God bless your soul
He feels so much pain all around him not just in his own life but in the world around. It has been like this since his own personal losses added up. It gave him perspective on other peoples burdens and he wishes them blessing to bear their burdens because he knows he cannot help them.
+ 1
I was going to find you
Lying in the cave
Bleeding in the water
Been carrying on for days
He is worried that the deep end is near and the pain is unbearable and there is no break. It has been going on for a while. He is very wounded and depressed.
+ 1
All because of faith, you know it's right
You coincide with fate, and you feel it's right
He feels that change is coming for the good because of his faith and intuition. He feels and knows that timing and circumstance in life can change everything and is feeling ready move forward.
- 0
Seeing for the first time
Your violent soul
While questioning everything he has begun to question his own stability and is understanding some of his own inner tempest and turmoil which he thought the he had worked out.
+ 1
Howling at the moon still
At the white, white ghost
He is still stuck in his own nature of questioning. Knowing there will never be answers for him about the "white, white ghost of the past." The "moon" does not care nor does the universe even see or respond because his howling questions are fruitless gestures.
- 0
So celebrate the times when
Your world was calm
Pushing through past experiences and having times in life that were calm, comforting and beautiful did not make the pain go away. It did not change the past or that even in those calm times he knows that the bitter is always under the surface because of what he's been through.
+ 2
All the work's been done
It's past and done as far as he is concerned and it cannot be changed but as referenced above in the previous line it has present day implications for him.
- 0
You've got it coming for you
Something from the past is seeping its way into the present mindset for him. He knows that it is something that he will have to confront.
+ 7
it's nothing wrong with me
The kids are all wrong, the story's all off
Heavy metal broke my heart
Come on, come on, and let me in
Bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
And this is supposed to match
The darkness that you felt
I never meant for you to fix yourself

Some legends are told
"Mummified my teenage dreams,"
At a certain point his teenage dreams were not to be realized and he put them away in a safely guarded place. A tomb but also a sanctuary. Mummification was means of preservation and rebirth in the afterlife.
"No it's nothing wrong with me."
He feels this is normal and you should protect your dreams in this way and not give up on them but hold tight but in secret and sometimes the proper time is not when you think.
"The kids are all wrong the story's all off,"
I think he is alluding to youth thinking that dreams come true instantly without having to persevere or exercise patience or persistence. Everyone is special to someone but only your dream is special to you. Don't shout it from the rooftop hold it tight and work to make it happen.
"Heavy metal broke my heart."
I think he is disappointed with the "eat your soul message", of heavy metal (not literally) as there seems to to be a lot of anger and hate wrapped up in heavy metal that is misguiding the youth of tomorrow.
"Come on, Come on, let me in, Bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints. And this is supposed to match like the darkness that you felt."
This actually sounds to me like a false accusation of abuse, specifically sexual from the thigh reference. I believe that a scorned lover accused him because she was devastated and lost and lashed out at him in pain.
"I never meant for you to fix yourself".
This sounds like he went with let's be friends and that went very poorly from above. How could he reach out to help her after something like being accused falsely?
- 0
Du du du du-du du du
Du du du du du-du du du

Clever lead in and reuse. Actually at first when I heard this, I was turned off by this but it grew on me. This made me pay attention more and I ended up buying a song that at first I didn't pay much attention to. I like the reuse of Suzanne Vega - "Tom's Diner".
+ 1
You're full of something but it ain't
I think she means he's full of shit. Lying to her, himself and his other girl. I see what you did there. Hey there.
- -9
This is the of my daughter. We did not look up the meaning when we named her but she is a gift from God.
- 0
I think this speaks to the angry young man and the evolution of the person, soul and values that are developed from his struggles. All people have their problems and need to overcome. Perhaps his fist is in the air to say he is not done yet but his head is in the sand as it hurts too much to see others pain and he doesn't know where to start. Maybe he's started to act everyday in small little ways, in things unseen, trying to be more aware. No one can understand the mind of someone else until they have an informed conversation. Maybe he is even angrier because he has reached out to people in positions of power and they doubted his words? The very same people that seem confused by his inaction or struggles to discern truth may only be confusing him because of their inability to see his confusion. Perhaps he has struggled to express himself his whole life? Some will see it and try to be more and some will not. Maybe trying to protect others too so they do not have the scars that he does and it seems too late. True change starts with him and maybe his anger is that it seems that those around him do not seem to see or hear what is being told or shown. It is his ultimate failure as he does not feel he is a quitter but seems to be getting the impression that some people just won't be helped and are doomed to be blind and def to other possibilities. The return to the cross is symbolic of everyone's understanding that only in true sacrifice to others can we be free. It does not mean a true death. Maybe he just has questions unanswered so he can make some decisions and that is why he keeps going home with his back to the wall. Maybe he is not stitious but it is the ides of March....it is truly a wondrous world full of possibilities but he needs to understand them all before he commits and needs to trust the communicator. Or maybe he is just a confused fuck who doesn't know who to turn to because he's been burned too many times? Hard to say? I think however, he is less angry and more concerned with solutions than anyone gives him credit for.
- -4
And all the roads that lead you there were winding
Same as my first reference but gets +1 for Princess Bride reference. BTW this whole thing is "Inconceivable". And I am not "stitious" - you make your own luck, 13 is just a number and no one wants to work the weekend so next week if parties are amenable. Sorry about the tangent. Here's a 10 hours sleep this week.
+ 5
And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
Everyone has a different path in life and none are linear. So don't expect something worth it to be easy. In fact the most extraordinary journey's are typically the hardest. Sometimes those roads diverge. When something is spectacular it will be radiant or glowing and ironically the closer you get the more blinded you become. This song has special significance to me. I have loved it for years.
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