0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 6
This is about loving someone you really shouldn't but you can't explain why you are so drawn to this other human being. The love you share with this person is so intense. You can't live with them and yet you can't live without them. It seems there is no way out because history keeps repeating itself. I think they always find their way back to each other because neither of them really want to let each other go (For you know the time is nigh, when I must remove you wings and you, you must try to fly). Yet for all their faults, I think they truly do love and accept each other (come loose your dogs on me and let your hair hang down).
+ 3
A tree for all these problems means to stand strong in your position and not to give up. To remember the value of who you are, even when everyone is caught up in the drama of bullying you (when awful people surround you). When you know who you are, your not misguided by other peoples negative perception of you. You don't let anyone take power away from you. By owning your power you will transform all others because they will see your not a push over. That your not afraid of what they have to say about you because deep down you know what they can never know about who you truly are.
+ 2
I think this song is about not allowing yourself to be swept along by the demands of the world. Its about staying true to yourself, even if it means being unpopular. It's about ridding yourself of bad influences so you can truely live in the light of truth. "it's a dangerous thing to ignore, it's so easy when the world has it's way. Well, then you're gone. Life, limbs, and shattered blows. Crawling out you're famous".
+ 3
I think it's about confusing dependency for love. His gotten emotionally stuck and addicted to holding on to her with the only way he knows how to, through playing the old "I'm a disaster case come save me". I think subconsciously he does this because he needs to be rescued by her inorder to feel loved. That the only time, he really feels loved by her is when she is saving him. And because he is so disconnected from himself he doesn't connect that, his external circumstances are a reflection of his internal world. It is his fear of losing her, that is causing his world to spin out of control. Everyone else can see this but him.
+ 2
I think it's about confusing dependency for love. His gotten emotionally stuck and addicted to holding on to her with the only way he knows how to, through playing the old "I'm a disaster case come save me". I think subconsciously he does this because he needs to be rescued by her inorder to feel loved. That the only time he really feels loved by her is when she is saving him. And because he is so disconnected from himself he doesn't connect his external circumstances is a reflection of his internal world. It is his fear of losing her, that is causing his world to spin out of control. Everyone else can see this but him.
+ 2
I think its about his first understanding of love was very impulsive and innocent, almost wishful "diving in to deep for coins" (a wishing well). When your in love you want to please the one you love "All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys" He observed her evaluating what he had to give and probably felt a pressure to provided for her. "When the cop closed the fair, cut my long baby hair" I think this means reality set in and he had to conform to the laws of society inorder to succeed but some how he lost her through doing what he thought she wanted. Perhaps they had a fight and he said somethings he shouldn't have said "nursing my sore blunt tongue" And now his trying to win her back but he doesn't know how to. He's hoping that the pureness of his intentions will redeem him and she will perhaps forgive him "those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean blood of christ mountain stream" But he just doesn't know and is losing hope. I think flightless bird signifys his hope or desire that she hasn't flown away, that if she loved him she would be to wounded to fly off "Have I found you flightless bird, grounded bleeding or lost you, american mouth" But I think in the end he realises that the truth is a hard pill to swallow because before it was just looming and now its stuck going down.
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