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Years ago I used to sing this song, recently it has come back to mine. Sometimes we get so consumed with our own needs we fail to see that their are others like us or those who truly have greater needs. If I ask for things that I should not ask for also relates to each one of us praying for what we want rather than seeking out the Father' s will. We loose our focus and get distracted by the pleasures of this life when we should remember the call of God to the cause of Christ. God promised to provide our needs if we seek first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Our prayers will then begin with praise and thanksgiving for the blessings of life, our heart will be opened to pray for others first. Then we will clearly see our own need to repent and remember The Cross and how Jesus christ died in our place as a supreme sacrifice for you and me. That is why Jesus taught His disciples to pray The Lords Prayer so that we as Christians asked that His Will be done even if it means we might have to suffer in this life God will give us greater Grace to run this race of Faith and take care of His own children until He comes again. Amen!
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