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- -2
and mystery

Were both in you

And in this labyrinth
Where night is blind
Christine always knew that the Phantom was in her mind even though she didn't acknowledge it. He is just confirming it.
+ 5
Close your eyes,
Let your your spirit start to soar.
And you'll live as you've never lived before.

Softly, deftly
Music shall caress you
Hear it, feel it
Secretly possess you
Open up your mind
Let your fantasies unwind
In this darkness that you know you cannot fight
The darkness of the music of the night

Let your mind
Start a journey through a strange new world
Leave all thoughts of the life you knew before
Let your soul take you where you long to be.
Only then can you belong to me
The Phantom is trying to convince Christine to forget her old life and tune in to the part of her soul that he has a hand on. He is trying to let her mind take over the dark side of her soul so he can have complete control of her decisions regarding her life now. "Only then can you belong to me".
- -1
Close your eyes
And surrender to your darkest dreams.
Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before
The Phantom is telling Christine to surrender to him (they only ever met in her dreams). He is telling her to forget her life the way it was because it will never be the same.
+ 6
This song is trying to tell everyone who hears it that you are beautiful in your own way, and you should be proud of your unique beauty. No body can take it away from you and anyone who tries is jealous of you. Some people will find you absolutely beautiful and some people wont. Don't be ashamed of how you look.
- 0
Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
Raoul is trying to convince Christine that he can and will protect her from not only the dangers of the Phantom, but all the dangers of the world.
+ 3
My words will warm and calm you
Raoul is trying to calm Christine because the Phantom has her frightened. He is trying to give Christine a sense of protection and warmth, something he knows the Phantom could never do.
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