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+ 1
Kaulah satu satunya
Di antara berjuta
Insan teristimewa
The A.I. deemed the way I explained these three line as "unusual way for a human to explain things".

So I'll Just summarize without literal translations...

The three lines means:
You're one in a million, an especially outstanding individual.
- 0
Kau kebanggaan kita
Kau budayawan bangsa
Engkau lagenda
Literal translation:
You're our pride
You're our racial humanist
You're a legend.

Approximate meaning:
The meaning is pretty clear except for "racial humanist" which is suppose to mean "you're our cultural ambassador".
- 0
Patah tak tumbuh lagi
Hilang belum berganti
Kerana kau tersendiri
Literal translation:
Broken yet to regrow
Lost yet to be replaced
Because you are unique.

Approximate meaning:
The literal "Broken yet to regrow" is typical sample of the Eastern world language (and herein specifically the Malaysian Malay language) to make rhetoric references to the natural surrounding. A broken branch is expected to grow back.

The three lines essentially says that we have yet to find a replacement worthy of P. Ramlee.
- 0
Kaulah satu satunya
Di antara berjuta
Insan teristimewa
Literal translation:
You're one and only
Amongst millions
An special human.

Approximate meaning:
You're (the late P. Ramlee) one in a million
An especially outstanding individual.
- 0
Kaulah satu satunya
Di antara berjuta
Insan teristimewa
Literal translation:
You're one and only
Amongst millions
An special human.

Approximate meaning:
You're one in a million
An especially outstanding individual.
- 0
Hingga kini menjadi sebutan
Tetap terpahat namamu di ingatan
Literal translation:
Till now is still mentioned
your name remains engraved in memory.

Approximate meaning:
His name is still very much a constant idol in our mind.
- 0
Bergetaran merdu sinar
Di persada budaya
Literal translation:
Vibrating, sweet sound, shine
On cultural stage.

Approximate meaning:
His sweet songs playing ("vibrate")
His vibrancy on the cultural stage/ entertainment industry.
- -1
Tetap jelas di ruang mata
Setiap gerak gaya
Literal translation:
Constantly clear in the space of the eyes
Every movement and style.

Approximate meaning:
"His persona will still play with such clarity in our eyes"
People still remembers his persona in the movies he starred in.
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Biar bertahun masa beredar
Satu wajah satu nama takkan pudar
Literal translation:
Though years time had passed
One face, one name, would never fade away.

Approximate meaning:
Years gone by, memory of him shall remain always.
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Sebutir bintang di taman seni
Cahayanya berseri
Literal meaning:
One star in the garden of art
Its light shines brightest.

Approximate meaning:
One particular star (an artist) stands out.
The artist being referred to was the late P. Ramlee, Malaysian actor, singer, producer, song writer... Malaysian but of course he had also been residing in Singapore (refer to historical relationship between Malaya and Singapore).
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Sejuta bintang di angkasa
Sinarnya mempesona
Literal meaning:
A million stars in the heavens,
Their light mesmerizes.

Approximate meaning:
So mesmerizing were the glittering stars above.
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