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+ 1
remember, I remember!
I remember working every victim
With acute precision...
I remember every time I hold
This is sang in the gravely voice of the Repo Man whom Nathan became in order to stay out of prison. He is a different person from the worry wart Nathan who cares only for his daughter.
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Nathan: I remember every dying whisper,
Every desperate murmur...
I remember when I gaze upon her,
She looks just like you...
This part is Nathan thinking about the night Marni died and he saved Shilo by cutting her out of her mother's womb.
- 0
Thanks for the disease!

Now I am sequesterd,
Part of the collection,
That's what is expected
Shilo is usually locked in her room alone all day and all night except for when her father comes in to have her take her medicine. This is, also, a reference to her bug collection.
+ 1
"Shilo, I'm the doctor."
"Shilo, I'm your Father."
"Oh Shilo, that was close~!"
Shilo is mocking her father in these statements. She is imitating his constant retoric about keeping her safe. He is always telling her to be more careful, not to go outside, or even open a window without putting on a mask. She's obviously annoyed by this.
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