0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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This song is about a guy singing to a girl whom he likes, but unfortunately has friend-zoned him. She went to date other guys but did not last long with all of them. The boy has given up chasing her and just wants to be friends with her, but she doesn’t bother calling or texting him. He is sick and tired of always making the effort but he feels that she is behaving like that because she may be afraid that being friends with the guy that liked her would cause his feelings for her to come back. Therefore, she is deliberately avoiding him for his own good. She also probably feels that all that she has gone through is unforgivable. Hence, she thinks that she is not good enough/worthy to even be friends with the guy who used to like her. Luckily, he is able to see updates of her life through social media and recently, she broke up with another one of her many boyfriends. The boy wants to console her and talk to her, but he knows that she’ll just ignore him or at most, give him 1 word replies. It seems all he can do is to hope for the best that she will come back to being friends with him despite all that happened, even as the night changes every single day. "Going out tonight, changes into something red" The girl is going out on a date and wears red clothing - a symbol of being daring. Red can be also implied as a bright colour - the girl probably wants to stand out and be the centre of attention as she is insecure. "Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress" Her mum doesn’t approve of her lifestyle, but knows she can’t do anything - this girl is out of control. "Everything she never had, she’s showing off" Her mum probably worked hard to buy her things she never had - materialistic things such as clothing, gadgets and even a car, as we can see from the next line. She’s bragging about them because she is insecure. She could also be showing off her boyfriend. "Driving so fast, moon is breaking through her hair She said it was something that she won’t forget Having no regrets is all that she really wants" She likes speeding as it is so thrilling. It is an unforgettable experience and she doesn’t want to regret it when she gets older. "We’re only getting older baby And I’ve been thinking about it lately Does it ever drive you crazy Just how fast the night changes? Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of Disappearing when you wake up But there’s nothing to be afraid of Even when the night changes. It will never change me and you" Here, the guy comes in and says how time flies and that he has thought about it and is asking the girl about the urgency of the situation - that time has passed so fast and yet, her life is in this state. He also goes on to say that her dreams are just unfulfilled dreams but tells her not to fear because he is able to fulfill them if she simply lets him into her life. Notice that the last line does not just say “It will never change me” but rather “It will never change me and you” this proves that the boy still has the belief that the girl, despite all that has happened, is still positive about what life has to offer her in the future. He also thinks that she is not a bad person, but rather a good person who makes bad mistakes. "Chasing her tonight, doubts are running round her head" The girl is going out with another guy who wants to make her his girlfriend, but at the back of her mind, she is doubtful that she will last long upon accepting him. "He’s waiting, hides behind a cigarette" The guy is also insecure and he is hesitating to confess. He smokes to calm his nerves. Without it, he will freak out and most likely screw up. "Heart is beating fast, but she doesn’t want it to stop" The girl’s heart is pounding, but she likes the suspense and thrill it brings that she doesn’t want it to stop. This means that she likes to be in the drama/moment of things and doesn’t like it to be too dormant. "Moving too fast, moon is lighting up her skin She’s falling, doesn’t even know it yet Having no regrets is all that she really wants" She has been in and out of so many relationships for her age but she has no idea the implications it will bring to her life until later on in the future. She doesn’t want to regret it when she gets older but instead, keeps trying to find “the one” for her. "Going out tonight, changes into something red Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress Reminds her of a missing piece of innocence she lost" The red dress reminds the girl’s mum of how pure she was when she was younger. Now, she’s just living her life aimlessly, going from one boyfriend to the next, not experiencing true love. Conclusion It is in an essence, a one-sided friendship between the boy and girl. The boy is at loggerheads between not giving a shit at all to occasionally caring for the girl, but knows that the latter will end up hurting him more than he knows. He then decides not to give a shit, but his caring heart comes in and takes over his hard-headedness. All he can really do is pray that she will come to her senses soon and realise that there is someone out there who truly cares and gives a shit about her. As for the girl, she probably came from a broken family - she could have lost her dad, a brother or a male family member that she was close to at a young age, so much so that she’s seeking for alternate sources of love as a substitute to make up for her loss. She turns toward guys who are older than her in order to fill the void in her heart, to act as the pseudo family member, but turns out that all her exes are jerks who toy around with relationships and are not ready to commit to a serious and loving relationship. As a result, the girl ends up being hurt more than filled with sincere love. However, life goes on and where there is life, there is hope.
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