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+ 3
The song is meant for all Christians. We must remember that in times of troubles and losing your faith, God is always there for us to save us and guide us. In troubles big or small. He loves us and we must be thankful to God. If He didn't sent Jesus Christ here, maybe we are not saved. But because of Jesus Christ's atonement on the cross for our sins we are saved. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. And whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE." God loves us even if we sin and forget Him. His grace is beyond compare.
+ 1
I'm lost without you
I'll never doubt you
Your grace be uncompare
And thou when it rains is pours
You know all I have is Yours
You smile when you hear my prayer
We are lost without God. Adam Young is telling us that God helps us in our life, He guides us everyday. His grace non like the others. His grace is the greatest of all. In times of emptiness, He knows that you still have faith in him. God is always happy when He hears your prayer.
+ 1
Some days are barely hold on
When life drags me down
I wanna let go
But when my spirit is week you come to my each
And straight my soul
Some days when we feel sadness, you are feeling that you want to give up in this life. You lose hope in God, but God finds His ways to strengthen your soul in times the you lose faith in Him.
+ 2
Teach us to trust in you
With all my heart
To lean not on my own understanding
We just forget
You won't give us what we can't bear
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we ask God to teach us and guide as. We don't let our consciousness to overcome God's words. We always forget that God does not give us what we can't handle. He won't give us everything what we wanted because of our sins. God gives us things the we only can bear.
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Take me out of the dark, my Lord
I don't wanna be there
This part says to us that we need to be saved, we beg God to save us from temptation, from darkness. All of us don't want to be in the darkness, so we need a savior.
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And though I love You so
Temptation finds it's way to me
Even if we love God so much, Satan finds ways to temp you and lead you astray. Satan wants you to sin.
+ 6
You have forgiven me
Too many times it seems
I feel I'm not what you might call
A worthy Christian after all
God forgives our sins, but we just abuse the free gift of God to us. We sin and sin, but when we repent, we are not sincere. As a Christian, when you thought your bad doings, you feel unworthy of being called a Christian.
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