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And the story goes on and on
And no one seems to care
No one cared about him, no one seemed to care the lesser bit about him. After they really started to care about him it was too late already, he was dead.
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His bedrooms filled with emptiness tonight
As the silence cuts through like a knife
Knowing he's not there
Being dead, his bedroom is now empty, as the silence falls through the room. He`s not there and he`ll never be there anymore, he's just a memory remaining in that silent and dark room at night.
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Across town his dad falls asleep all alone
Never knowing he was never going to come home
The last thoughts that filled his head
I'll tell him I'm sorry
I'll say I regret what I said
It's your life
I'll live my own life instead
His dad finally got a revelation and is gonna apologies to his son, to tell him that he regrets everything and that he's going to let him have his life, those being the thoughts that passed through his mind.
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