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+ 2
Idk much about Lord of the Flies, I've never seen the movie or read the book. But it makes sense that it would have a connection to that, I'm sure if anyone researched it'd make tons of sense. Either way, I loved this song anyway before I knew it had to do with Lord of the Flies. I just love the lyrics and if you didn't know the story behind it, it seems like it's just about fighting. It's just a great song, it gets me amped.
+ 3
Amazing song. It's one of their earliest ones, in fact it was written by M. Shadows' previous band, Successful Failure, when he was a teenager. The song has a really good meaning when you really think about it. It's about how everyone is brought up different in life. Some people live in California, others grow up on farms in Idaho. Some grow up in cities in New York. And everyone grows up and learns things in a different way. Everyone goes on to live their own life and do things how it makes sense to them, even if it doesn't make sense to everyone else. And this songs is basically just pointing out how everyone has differences, but don't judge em or look down on em just cuz of that. Don't think you're better than someone just because they live a different way. It's a great song and I love the beat to it. It's not like most Avenged Sevenfold songs, especially compared to their early stuff, but I love this song.
+ 1
Oh one thing I just realized I forgot to mention in that is this. The people in the song who are so caught up in what they're doing don't realize what's happening as a consequence. But everyone who knows them does see it. This also goes along the lines of the situation I mentioned about people who party everyday and do nothing else. Most of them don't realize how they're changing. But their friends and family do. And they may even warn them, but most people rarely listen. And yeah, once again ignorance comes to mind.
+ 2
Yeah deargod12 is right. It was originally gonna be called something along the lines of "acid at Disneyland" or something like that, but it's really about life and how life is like a rollercoaster, it has it's ups, it has it's downs. But it's life and you shouldn't waste it cuz it goes by fast. "this ride, that takes me through life, leads me into darkness but emerges into light" Saying how we have tough times. But it always works out in the end if you fight through it and don't give up. Which brings us to the line, "don't fall off the track yet, with so many races to go...HOLD ON!"
+ 5
Yeah king of the sun and gvgeri got it right. This is probably my favorite song of theirs. They're not technically Christian music, but a lot of their songs promote it, such as this one. Anyway, they're an amazing band, as I'm sure anyone reading this will agree. Only thing I gotta add is that Cain killed Abel. King of the sun wrote it backwards, but I think everyone knew what he meant anyways so no big deal.
+ 3
To dirtycooot. There's nothing wrong with praying for help. The problem is when people cry about their problems constantly and accept being a victim, therefore never trying anything to fix it themselves. That's when it becomes a problem. However, if you do everything you can to make a change, and you pray to God to help guide you along the way, then it works. The point is. If you continually make an effort towards something, and pray for it to happen, you'll see a difference sometime. May take awhile, and it will be hard, but it'll happen. Praying isn't a bad thing at all. The problem is that many people use praying as a substitute for actually utilizing the abilities to make change themselves, which God has blessed us all with. When used in substitution of making an effort yourself, it's hard to see a difference. But when prayer is used in combination with doing everything else you can, it's a very effective tool.
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