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+ 2
Okay seriously people stop fighting about soeone you don't even know and hav never met, and for you girls who thnk she did pole dance well your all wrong! She did not pole danse, it was just the danse all the girls were doing! And even if she did pole dance she probably did it a hell of alot better than you would have! And when pretty people pole danse its ight! That wouldnt be okay if you pole dansed because your not pretty! Hahaha!
+ 2
I think this songs meaning is that you will never forget someone or love someone for what they look like but for who they are inside and that whenever your having troubles you will always look o that person you love the most and wish and hope they will look to you too. That the person you look to in the day makes you feel like you can do anything and that they I've you the strength to live through the day and continue your life!
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