0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 1
When you really know the meanings of the lyrics of this song, and you know the feeling of it, you may find out that this is a pretty good song. It takes hard work to make up a song that's full of meanings and a good melody. To some people, her voice may not sound perfect, but at least she has the will to try things. Don't mock at someone because they're bad at something. It's their dream, and they love it.
+ 3
I think Hannah and Miley is both cool. And some of you are being rude to her! Miley work hard for her career and she is singing for her fans! Maybe you don't like Hannah or Miley! But some people out there really care for her! Like me! I don't care what you want to say, but I like Hannah and Miley! Miley, don't listen to them! Keep singing and keep up the good work!
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