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+ 14
I don't think anyone's wrong on this. Great personal perspectives. For me, the song is reflective of the frailty of men that dates back to Adam. Adam ruled the world. Adam lost that power and authority when he took heed to the voice of satan (wicked wind). As a result, Adam was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Where he once ruled the Garden and only required to dress and keep it, he then was reduced to till the ground with sweat and tears (now sweeping streets he once ruled). Yet, despite Adam's fall, for some reason we can't explain, the hope of redemption through Christ Jesus made grace available so that our names will still be called on that day of judgment. Adam's fall is indicative of what we see today. The forbidden fruit of contemporary society is wrapped in the skins of mortgage fraud, voter fraud, banking fraud, political fraud, and all sorts of fraud that amount to nothing more than the same old lies that have culminated into what we have today- a fallen and bankrupt system that once ruled the world. Who would want to be king? Who would want to be president at a time when the lies of men created such a mess?!? There are folk waiting for Obama to fail and place his head on a platter should this economy not recover just so they can prove the fraud was not theirs but someone else's. Whether your republican or democrat, christian or not, we can all agree a corrupt and fraudulent government, a corrupt and fraudulent group of citizens and special interests created the problems we have today. In my world, I have experienced that fall and everyone is gunning for you when it happens. But there's hope, and my name is still on the roster as one of His own. Salvation is mine. And yours.
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